Monday 20 April 2015

Hello. You Need To Hear This Now.

Apparently I wrote this message for a dear friend once, when he was hurting and unsure about his relationship with his girlfriend. On my birthday this year, he sent me a card with this message written in it - to thank me for giving him these words when he most needed to hear it. I opened the card a week after I received it to read what my soul most needed to hear at this very moment. I suppose this is giving advice to my future self. ;)

"For in love and life there are no guarantees - only in death are we secured in its inevitability; and when we are dead we can give no one the experience of being loved. So whilst we live, whether we are loved back or not, if your heart so desires it - love. And be sure your beloved knows of it, in every cell of his or her being. There is no other more beautiful way to exist. 
Just love. And be happy right now."

Ok. I will.


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